
Site: EWU
Course: EWU
Book: Resources
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Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 5:16 PM

Academic Calendar

Academic CalendarCalendar.

Distance Learning

DIstance Learning.

Edward Waters College (EWC) is positioned to serve the evolving needs of the students, region, and the state of Florida in the coming decades.  As a part of this commitment to academic growth within the region and globally, the Office of Distance Learning serves as a hub to increase the digital footprint of the College. Fostering cross-disciplinary research, partnerships, global leadership, and innovation within the academic enterprise, the Office of Distance Learning will strategically position EWC to offer an online student support option that will facilitate best-in-class experiences within the academic and related student service offices. Further, the virtual ecosystem will allow students to network beyond the local community through national and international teambuilding that will occur through a diversified body of scholars opting to enroll at the institution beyond the Jacksonville locale. Such an opportunity will drive the global initiatives of the institution and expand the academic profile as related to the College’s mission and strategic goals.

Moodle Logo.

Our Learning Management System (LMS) is Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)

Moodle can be accessed by clicking on the “Moodle” icon (shown to the left) or by clicking  HERE

Campus Safety

Campus Safety and Security.The Department of Campus Safety & Security's mission is to enhance the living, learning, and working experience at Edward Waters College by protecting life, maintaining order, and safeguarding property. We fulfill this mission by providing our community with a full range of services that meet the highest professional and accredited standards of campus security. We are committed to the philosophy of “Community Caretaking” and working with our students, staff, and faculty to build a lasting partnership.

I.T. Helpdesk

I.T. Help Desk

The Information Technology department provides one-on-one training for new, transfer, and existing students in the use of campus technology including Moodle, Self-Service, and email. Faculty and staff also provide on-going, one-on-one training for students. Faculty, staff, and students can also receive walk-in assistance and Instructors are able to request class presentations from the Technology staff. The IT Help desk is located in the TOOKES Building room 106 or 120.

Two ways to get support: 

  1. E-mail us at
  2. Call (904) 470-8170


LibraryThe EWC Library is housed on the first floor of the Centennial Building. It contains approximately 13,350 print volumes and provides access to over 259,000 electronic books (e-books). The Library also subscribes to 61 print periodicals.


OIPREOffice of Institutional Planning, Research, and Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Planning, Research & Effectiveness (OIPRE) – an Academic Affairs Unit – provides official institutional statistics, analyses, and research to support and improve management decision-making on campus.


EWC Logo.Registrar

The Office of the Registrar serves as the official repository for all student academic records. It is also responsible for the oversight of all registration and enrollment services provided to our students. The Registrar’s Office also processes transcript requests and enrollment verification and fulfills many other types of requests for student information.  The Registrar certifies graduation and program completion, issues diplomas, and sets and upholds academic policy.

Writing Center

Writing CenterWriting Center

The Writing Center can help all faculty with the following:

  • Designing scaffolded and sequenced writing assignments
  • Designing assessments discipline-specific assignments
  • Helping the instructor create sound writing practices in the classroom, such as requiring revision and reflection
  • Provide instructors with access to resources such as training in grading students texts, pre-built rubrics for general assignments, and referrals to Writing Center
  • Visit the classroom, providing Pop-Up Writing center sessions on Peer Review, APA, etc.

EWC Writing Center Referral Form

Faculty members may use this form to refer students to the center. The director will reach out to the student via email and attempt to make an appointment. Please be advised, The Writing Center cannot make any student attend an appointment.


Here is a collection of approved rubrics available for faculty use. Online courses are moving towards requiring rubrics for every assessment. For help building your rubric in Moodle, please reach out to QEP/Writing Center Director - Megan Crowley-Watson.